IAQ Information Hub » Formal Studies

Formal studies from international research institutes and universities with a theme relevant to air quality management
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Evaluation of UVC Light for Disinfection in Hospital

The UV-light disinfection system must operate in UNOCCUPIED rooms. No touch UV technology is dependent on the distance between the lamp and the surface being disinfected. The inverse square law applies.

Air Quality Investigation at Schools in Hong Kong

Air Quality Investigation at Schools in Hong Kong

Indoor CO2 concentrations exceeded the ASHRAE standard due to overcrowded classrooms and inadequate ventilation. Implementation of more breaks and recesses between classes might alleviate the high level of CO2. The occupancy of classrooms in Hong Kong often exceeded the maximum occupancy of the ASHRAE 62-1989 standard. Decreasing the number of students in each classroom can also lower the CO2 level. Increase the rate of ventilation could remove the accumulated CO2; for example, the use of ceiling fans, exhaust fans could increase the exchange of indoor air with the outdoor.

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Treat CNS/Brain Diseases Caused by Low Brain Oxygen/CO2 Levels

Treat CNS/Brain Diseases Caused by Low Brain Oxygen/CO2 Levels

Our observation of a reduced functional connectivity during CO2 breathing is consistent with previous reports that light sedation or anesthesia (Deshpande et al, 2010) decreases connectivity in DMN regions, and is also in line with the suggestions that CO2 has a mild sedative effect.

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Influence of CO2 on brain activity and metabolism in conscious humans

Influence of CO2 on brain activity and metabolism in conscious humans

Our observation of a reduced functional connectivity during CO2 breathing is consistent with previous reports that light sedation (Greicius et al, 2008) or anesthesia (Deshpande et al, 2010) decreases connectivity in DMN regions, and is also in line with the suggestions that CO2 has a mild sedative effect (Fukuda et al, 2006).

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Save your portion of HK$3.84B money you might be contributing

for the medical cost (COI, cost-of-illness) Hong Kong has been paying yearly as a result of bad air quality <ref>,⁣ in only THREE simple steps:

(1) Measure、(2) Purify、(3) own healthy breathing air and live better in your home and workplace.
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