IAQ Information Hub » Formal Studies

Formal studies from international research institutes and universities with a theme relevant to air quality management
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Evaluation of UVC Light for Disinfection in Hospital

The UV-light disinfection system must operate in UNOCCUPIED rooms. No touch UV technology is dependent on the distance between the lamp and the surface being disinfected. The inverse square law applies.

Biocidal Effects of Non-thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

Biocidal Effects of Non-thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

WOOFAA deploys this plasma tech in our algal appliance to remove smells and germs in public toilets Vladyslava Čeledová Ph.D. Programme: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Branch of study: Plasma Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of...

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Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas

Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas

Only the direct removal of CO2 from the air, or “direct air capture” (DAC), can actually reduce the global atmospheric CO2 concentration. The past decade has seen a steep rise in the use of chemical sorbents that are cycled through sorption and desorption cycles for CO2 removal from ultradilute gases such as air.

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CO2 fixation using Microalgal Systems

CO2 fixation using Microalgal Systems

Microalgae consist of a group of highly diverse and fast-growing microorganisms, capable of photoautotrophy, heterotrophy, and mixotrophy. They can be cultivated on non-fertile land with unit CO2 fixation capacity 10–50 times higher than terrestrial plants.

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Review of NASA Microalgae Photobioreactor System

Review of NASA Microalgae Photobioreactor System

NASA is currently planning human spaceflight missions with longer durations than ever before. Closed-loop technologies, specifically photosynthetic algal photobioreactors, can offer multiple functions such as air revitalization (CO2 absorption and O2 provision) and thermal control with less launch mass and volume for long-duration flights.

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Save your portion of HK$3.84B money you might be contributing

for the medical cost (COI, cost-of-illness) Hong Kong has been paying yearly as a result of bad air quality <ref>,⁣ in only THREE simple steps:

(1) Measure、(2) Purify、(3) own healthy breathing air and live better in your home and workplace.
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