IAQ Information Hub » Formal Studies
Formal studies from international research institutes and universities with a theme relevant to air quality management⊆ Recent Posts ⊇
Overview of the Potential of Microalgae for CO2 Sequestration
Biological CO2 fixation depends on the tolerance of selected strains to high temperatures and the amount of CO2 present in flue gas, together with SOx and NOx.
Odour Control & Legislation in Hong Kong
Odour control systems do not give overall success unless the entire facility is properly enclosed and maintained, especially for the densely populated area like Hong Kong.
US EPA Confirms Air Pollution Contributes to Cause of Death
Increased concentrations of PM2·5 and traffic-related air pollution within metropolitan areas, in ranges commonly encountered worldwide, are associated with progression in coronary calcification, consistent with acceleration of atherosclerosis. This study supports the case for global efforts of pollution reduction in prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Direct & Indirect Metabolic CO2 Release by Humanity
The combined direct and indirect CO2 metabolic sources, estimated at 3.1 GtC/year, have increased 7 fold since pre-industrial times and are predicted to continue to rise over the 21st century.