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Market practices in the business of air quality management
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Building Design Strategies in the Fight Against COVID-19

Many of the evidence-based strategies within WELL v2, spanning building design and operations, as well as company policies and culture, are providing an actionable framework for organizations and communities responding to COVID-19 and preparing for a safer and healthier future.

Environmental Contamination in Virus Transmission

Environmental Contamination in Virus Transmission

Beyond catching the infection through coughing, environmental contamination was an important factor in the disease’s transmission. Environmental contamination by patients with Sars-CoV-2 through respiratory droplets and fecal shedding suggests the environment as a potential medium of transmission.

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Airborne Disinfection by Hydrogen Peroxide

Airborne Disinfection by Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is active against a wide range of microorganisms. Hydrogen peroxide can be corrosive to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Inhalation of vapors, mists, or aerosols from concentrated solutions of hydrogen peroxide can cause significant morbidity.

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How Carcinogen Radioactive Radon Gas is Monitor Indoor

How Carcinogen Radioactive Radon Gas is Monitor Indoor

Radon is found to be the second most common reason for lung cancer (after smoking). Since radon can easily be trapped inside buildings, indoor radon concentrations can increase to many times that of outdoor levels. When radon gas decays, it emits radioactive radiation in the form of an alpha particle/waves.

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Save your portion of HK$3.84B money you might be contributing

for the medical cost (COI, cost-of-illness) Hong Kong has been paying yearly as a result of bad air quality <ref>,⁣ in only THREE simple steps:

(1) Measure、(2) Purify、(3) own healthy breathing air and live better in your home and workplace.
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