Contact Us

WOOFAA provide project-based IoT+IAQ product or solution design service.

Send us your specifications or user requirements for a quote.

How WOOFAA is Better

  • IAQ: We are formally trained HVAC air-con engineers, with decades of consulting, contracting and compliance experience. We know how your existing air-con systems would work in harmony with ours, without duplicated functionality.
  • IoT: We graduated from IncuTech, a 3-year incubation program from Hong Kong Science & Technology Park. We know latest data networking tech and IoT eco-platforms much better than most other HVAC engineers.
  • We can realize your IAQ+IoT product or system seamlessly, enabling you to have cleaner air in lower cost.
WELL Accredited Professional by IWBI

Send Your Specs

  1. Describe us your plan: scale and goals to meet.
  2. Send us your floor drawing(s) and site photos, using Dropbox or as such, so we can help optimizing your plan.
  3. Send us your sensor specifications if you have any.
  4. Typically we shall reply in two business days.

Contact Us

2 + 5 =

Save your portion of HK$3.84B money you might be contributing

for the medical cost (COI, cost-of-illness) Hong Kong has been paying yearly as a result of bad air quality <ref>,⁣ in only THREE simple steps:

(1) Measure、(2) Purify、(3) own healthy breathing air and live better in your home and workplace.
Copyright © 2025 WOOFAA Company Limited 鏸發有限公司 | Hong Kong | t: +852 2649 4000 | e: [email protected] | 威富商行备案号:粤ICP备17078238号