How Carcinogen Radioactive Radon Gas is Monitor Indoor
Radon is found to be the second most common reason for lung cancer (after smoking)
What is Radon?
For those who hear for the first time about Radon, it comes from the radioactive breakdown aka decay of naturally occurring Uranium found in most soils. As a gas in the soil, it enters buildings through small openings in the foundation.
Since radon can easily be trapped inside buildings, indoor radon concentrations can increase to many times that of outdoor levels. When radon gas decays, it emits radioactive radiation in the form of an alpha particle/waves.
Article Originated by Sotirios Papathanasiou, SpainAdvisor, Smart AIr Quality Management

What do my radon levels mean?
Now you that know what Radon is, keep the numbers below into your mind because they will help you take actions when high concentrations of Radon are detected.
- 0 – 48 Bq/m³: No action needed
- 49 – 99 Bq/m³: Experiment with ventilation and sealing cracks to reduce levels
- 100 – 149 Bq/m³: Keep measuring. If levels are maintained for more than 3 months, contact a professional radon mitigator
- 150 Bq/m³ and up: Keep measuring. If levels are maintained for more than 1 month, contact a professional radon mitigator