UC Disinfectant

Food Grade Aqueous ClO2 Solution

May be the most user- & Earth-friendly aqueous ClO2 (chlorine dioxide)  disinfectant to replace corrosive disinfectants like bleach, smelly hydrogen peroxide, and the highly inflammable 75%-alcohol liquid, in compatible price.

Use Case GallerySafety Certificates

Aqueous ClO2 Use Case Gallery

Workplace Usage

UC50 is tested safe to use in manned room. It can even remove lunch odor in pantry and toilet, without leaving a smell itself, nor need a rinsing on utensils.

Photo on left is a 100L UC50 tank with a K5 Fogger deployed in a Fortune 500 MNC office pantry. Staff are allowed to sterilize their own desk or cubicles anytime they feel like necessary.

The storage is typically good for 1-2 months usage in a 5,000 square feet office.

Household Usage

Easy ways to get yourself sterilized every time you come back from outdoor.

Caritas Institute of Higher Education

Tens of desktop-type ultrasonic foggers are deployed in various public and office areas to minimize risk of airborne cross infection since 2020.

Mist sterilization routine is conducted in their Physiotherapy Centre, School of Health Sciences, which hosts a large number of high-touch therapic equipment.

Robotic Disinfection

As UC50 in non-corrosive to metals, this property makes a very good companion to  ultrasonic mist fogger.

We worked with TEMI vendors many times but the UC50 indeed can work with any mist disinfection robots.

UC50 is excel over other disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), bleach (NaClo), and hypochlorous acid (HClO), by not leaving any smell and animal-friendly being efficacious in low concentration (<50 ppm in UC50 vs >100 ppm in others).

Industrial Usage

UC50 is created from electrolyzed salt water with patented technologies. Therefore its material cost is only one-tenth, or less, to many herbal-based import disinfectants.

This low-cost nature makes a high-flow mist sterilization solution very affortable to logistic and other industries.

We can fabricate this kind of misting facility in less than US$4000. Contact us with your specifications.

Retail Booth

At Eslite Spectrum Tai Koo Store, Cityplaza and Causeway Bay too.

Safety and Efficacy Certificates

Client's Test Report 1/2

Use cases: indoor air quality examination, including a bacteria count, by SGS in a  private clinic.

Client's Test Report 2/2

Use cases: bacteria count by SGS in a swimming pool.

Efficacy on Human Coronavirus

UC disinfectant has proven capability to inactivate virus causing the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

Antimicrobial Efficacy Test

The in vitro antimicrobial activity of UC Colloidal Disinfectant (UC-1) was examined.

The in vitro antimicrobial activity was more than 98.2% reduction for bacteria and fungi (Table 1); excellent antimicrobial activity was observed at low concentrations of 5 and 20 ppm UC-1 for bacteria and fungi, respectively.

Reference: Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of a Chlorine Dioxide Solution < International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017 Mar; 14(3): 329. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph14030329 >

Antiviral Assay

The antiviral activity of 0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 ppm UC-1 after 2 min of reaction.

For H1N1 and influenza virus B/TW/71718/04, 200 ppm UC-1 had the most significant effect in inhibiting viral plaque formation. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of H1N1 was 84.65 ± 0.64 ppm and that of influenza virus B/TW/71718/04 was 95.91 ± 11.61 ppm.

For EV71, 50 ppm UC-1 showed significant inhibition activity, with an IC50 of 46.39 ± 1.97 ppm at 2 min. The results showing statistical significance (p < 0.05) are presented. Bars are plotted as means ± SD.

Reference: Efficacy and Safety Evaluation of a Chlorine Dioxide Solution < International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017 Mar; 14(3): 329. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph14030329 >

Chicken Stool Test

Image shows a disinfection experiment on chicken stool. Right side of each dish was wiped with UC Colloidal Disinfectant in concentration ranged from 2 ppm to 100 ppm. All worked well even in the lowest concentration strain.

Halal Certificate

UC Disinfectant is a Halal certified product. It means that the product is permissible or acceptable in accordance with Islamic law.

With this Halal certificate Islamic restaurants are becoming worry-free to use UC Disinfectant sanitizing their dine rooms with tables all set.

Food & Medical Grade Disinfectant

Products manufactured by Unique Biotechnology, including the UC Disinfectant, are qualified as food grade and to be used in medical facilities.

Inhalation Security Test

The solution is tested harmless to living organs through inhalation.

Endurance Test

Once sprayed, no bacteria and virus could ever grow for 14 consecutive days, even in the most diluted solution (10^-8, 0.01 ppm).

Use Case of ClO2 Disinfectant for Public Health

  • 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection prevention at Taiwan Taoyuan Airport
  • 2003 MERS-CoV and SARS infection prevention at Taipei Municipal Hoping Hospital
  • 2001 Amerithrax bioterrorist attack in USA
  • Since 2016 distributed as a consumer product on brand name 戴維爵士 over 800 retail outlets in Taiwan

Deposition of Metal Corrosion Test

The solution on concentration 50 ppm, is proven not corrosive to metals, safe to use in ultrasonic mist generator.

How Aqueous ClO2 is Better then Other Disinfectants

Comparison Table with Commercial Disinfectants on the Market

This table compares chemical and physical properties among popular disinfectants in market. This can be explained as in follows:

  • UC (gaseous ClO2) vs aqueous ClO2: Latter is indeed an acidic liquid which needs higher concentration to kill germs but to corrode surface in the same time
  • Formalin: Often for professional usage only, let alone its nature of releasing formaldehyde, a proven carcinogen to human beings.
  • UC vs Alcohol: UC does not dehydrate your skin.
  • UC vs Bleach (NaClO): UC can effectively disinfect from a much lower concentration (from 2 ppm as a lab report shows), posting much less risk of over-oxidizing substrate surface after disinfection.
  • UC vs Hypochlorous acid (HClO): Likewise, UC works in much lower concentration, which means lower risk on causing damage.
  • Ozone: Often for professional usage only, because too high of its airborne concentration (> 50 ppb) can trigger a variety of health problems including chest pain, coughing, throat irritation, and airway inflammation.
WOOFAA Air Indoor Air Quality Parametric Color Index

ClO2 (Chlorine Dioxide) is Not Chlorine

While you may notice Chlorine Dioxide has Chlorine in its name, its chemistry is radically different from that Chlorine. Aqueous ClO2 is also NOT hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ions (OCl). Those latter two have very different sterilization power than the former one. Below information might help you to understand further on this.

  • Both Chlorine and ClO2 are oxidizing agents.
  • However, ClO2 does not produce environmentally dangerous chlorinated organics.
  • ClO2 has 2.6 times the oxidation power of chlorine bleach.
  • ClO2 has the advantage of directly react to the cell wall of microorganisms, and microorganisms cannot built up any resistance against ClO2.
  • ClO2 is known to be faster-acting than Chlorine, especially if the ph is rising.

Save your portion of HK$3,840 million

medical Cost-of-Illness (COI) in Hong Kong due to poor air quality <ref.> in 3 simple steps:
(1) measure, (2) clean, (3) healthily renewed breathing 

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